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中国前外交官联谊会于2009年4月24日在人民大会堂举办“第八届外交官之春”,活动主题为“信心、创新、合作、共赢”。随之举行的有“第四届杰出华商大会财富领袖论坛中国魅力中小城市奖颁奖仪式”。 应邀出席该活动的有全国人大常委会副委员长韩启德、原国务委员唐家璇、原政协副主席胡启立、全国人大外委会主任委员李肇星、外交部副部长李金章、中共中央委员康日新等领导和中纪委委员魏家福等嘉宾;我会名誉会长田曾佩、蔡方柏,顾问和特邀顾问、理事和特邀理事、会员代表;地方省市外办、我会合作单位和赞助单位的负责人;杰出华商协会邀请的会员和企业家;100多位驻华使节和高级外交官;共计1000多人出席。 吉佩定会长首先致开幕词。他指出,“外交官之春”已连续举办八届,作为中国前外交官联谊会的年度品牌活动,已成为国内外企业界和外交界人士相互交流、相互对接,推动中外经贸合作的重要平台。希望通过本次“外交官之春”活动及随后的论坛研讨,与会者能针对当前国际金融危机,共同探讨应对方略,化严峻挑战为发展机遇,为促进中国和全球经济在未来实现新的增长献计献策。吉会长向大会介绍了中国前外交官联谊会这些年来所做的工作,强调联谊会今年将围绕确保国内经济平稳较快发展,即“保增长、保民生、保稳定”这一重点开展工作,继续利用会员的外交资源优势,为国家服务,为经济服务,为公司企业服务,努力为中国发展改革和世界经济增长做点贡献。 外交部副部长李金章、中远集团总裁魏家福、联想集团董事局主席柳传志和中国工商银行行长杨凯生先后发表演讲,给大会以启迪,受到与会者的热烈欢迎。 李金章副外长代表杨洁篪外长,在演讲中全面阐述了当前国际形势的动向和趋势、中国的外交政策、中国在国际事务中所发挥的积极作用和追求的目标。他指出,本次“外交官之春”把“信心、创新、合作、共赢”作为主题,在国际社会全力抵御金融危机的大背景下,对于增强各方信心、深化互利合作、战胜当前危机具有特殊的意义。述及国际形势时,他表示在此次危机对世界各地稳定和民生,对全球政治、经济和安全环境都已产生严重冲击的大背景下,出现了一些重要的动向和趋势:(一)新兴力量影响不断上升,多极化趋势进一步发展。以“金砖四国”为代表的约20个新兴大国GDP总额占世界经济总量的比重已由2000年的不到9%上升至2008年的18%。国际上越来越多的人在谈论世界多极化和力量均衡化;(二)大国加速调整对外政策,合作与竟争同步上升;(三)热点问题复杂多变,传统和非传统安全问题更加突出。朝核问题一波三折、伊朗核问题僵持不下、中东和苏丹达尔富尔问题日益升温。同时,恐怖主义、能源安全、环境问题等非传统安全威胁有增无减,气候变化备受关注;(四)金融体系改革拉开序幕,国际秩序面临深刻调整。在国际形势深刻复杂演变下,中国坚定不移地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,坚持和平发展、和谐合作、互利共赢,积极开展全方位外交。面对百年不遇的金融危机,我们致力于同国际社会携手合作,共克时艰;努力加强与美、俄、欧、日等各大国的友好合作关系;不断拓展同周边国家的战略合作;大力巩固同发展中国家的团结、友谊与合作;积极推动重大热点难点问题的解决。李副部长强调,当代中国同世界的关系发生了历史性的变化,中国的前途命运日益紧密地同世界的前途命运联系在一起。2008年中国出境人次达到4600万;世界500强企业中有480家在华投资;中国“走出去”企业已遍布160个国家和地区;“中国制造”惠及全球。中国已成为亚太和世界经济增长的重要引擎之一;已成为国际体系中的重要成员;已成为维护世界和平的重要力量。中国与外部世界的相互认知不断深化,利益交融空前紧密,中国的发展离不开世界,世界的发展也需要中国。今后,中国将始终不渝走和平发展道路;始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略;始终不渝推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。最后,李金章副部长感谢中国前外交官联谊会多年来所做的工作,高度赞赏各位高级外交官卸任后继续发挥专长,承担起民间大使的光荣角色,为让中国走向世界、让世界了解中国发挥了重要作用。希望再接再厉,为不断提高中国与世界的合作与交流水平,继续贡献自己的智慧和力量。 魏家福在演讲中介绍了中远集团应对经济危机的举措,主要包括四个方面:一是未雨绸缪,在2007年下半年就针对美国次贷危机成立专题研究小组,结合中远集团的实际,及时作出防控风险的决策,为应对危机赢得了主动;二是树立信心,具备应对市场波动和竞争的经营能力,确立在国际航运、物流码头和修造船领域的领先地位,从跨国经营向跨国公司转变;三是坚持创新,利用市场急剧变化带来的各种最新信息,重新梳理企业的风险管理体系,研判对市场走势和企业定位的认识,强化应对风险的能力;四是加强合作,主办“国际海运中国年会”,倡导合作竞争、抱团取暖、互利共赢。他强调要重视发挥外交资源在应对和战胜危机中的重要作用,倡议外交官和企业家一起为促进国家间的交流合作做出独特的贡献。 柳传志在题为《企业如何应对危机》的演讲中,把人的身体比作企业的机体。认为身体比较弱的人,冬春一换季就要生病,换季就是这个人的危机;有的人流感一来就生病,流感就是这个人的危机;而有的人在大的瘟疫来了之后还能扛得过去,因为他的身体很强壮。对一个企业来说也是一样,企业要有一个健康的机体,首先要对自己所处行业的特点有清楚的了解,并且形成核心竞争力。外国品牌电脑大举进入国内,中国电脑企业溃不成军,我们赶紧检查自身的毛病,坚决发展自有品牌电脑。电脑就像新鲜水果,不能摆放。由于技术发展特别快,CPU、DRAM等元器件库存时间过长的话,新品一上市,库存元器件大幅降价,损失将极为惨重。认识到高效的供应链体系是电脑行业的核心竞争力,用“小步快跑”的办法缩短元器件库存周期,做到连续降价,使联想一举成为中国电脑市场份额第一。此外,企业还要懂得怎样制定战略、怎样建立企业文化、怎样调动员工的积极性等等。总结一句话:健康的身体是应对危机的最好办法。 杨凯生在演讲中分析了中国银行业在这次全球经济危机中经受考验、表现合格的四大原因:一是保持了良好的盈利能力。2008年度中国银行业的利润总额、利润增长和资本回报率指标均为全球第一;二是保持了良好的风险管控水平。2009年3月末我国主要商业银行不良贷款率为2.02%,比年初下降0.43个百分比。主要银行的资本充足率全部达标,拨备覆盖率超过130%,盈利基础扎实;三是保持了良好的可成长性。近年来,中国银行业加快了业务创新、经营转型和综合化、国际化发展步伐。就工商银行而言,受金融危机影响有限,许多业务还实现了新的发展。目前资产总额已突破10万亿元人民币,约为14600亿美元,成为全球客户存款最大的银行;四是为经济社会平稳较快发展提供了有力的金融支持,及时扩大信贷投放规模,加快投放进度,优化投向结构,有力支持了中国经济的企稳回升。他强调指出,中国银行业比较顺利地经受了这场考验,关键是总结了上世纪末亚洲金融风波的经验教训,对主要银行实施财务重组和股改上市,对银行法人治理机制进行改进和完善,推动银行业务的创新发展,加强风险防范和监控。他最后表示,历史发展到今天,全球的金融市场是互相联通的。中国工商银行愿与各国金融业、银行界的同仁继续加强合作,扩大业务往来,在应对危机的过程中共克时艰。 外交使团代表、新加坡驻华大使陈燮荣在讲话中,高度赞赏中国前外交官联谊会为增进驻华使节和中国企业界之间的了解所作出的努力。认为“第八届外交官之春”把“信心、创新、合作、共赢”确定为活动主题是非常合适的。高度赞赏中国政府为应对国际金融危机所做出的正确决策和有效措施。相信中国有资源、有条件,最为重要的是有政治意愿来克服危机,将会成为率先复苏的国家之一。 香港河东舜铭国际文化基金創会副主席陈复生女士在讲话中高度评价“外交官之春”活动,表示将同中国前外交官联谊会一起,继续为促进中外交流和服务经济建设多做贡献。安阳市市长张笑东也讲了话,介绍安阳发展近况,欢迎中外人士到安阳投资、观光。讲话结束后,韩启德副委员长和主席台嘉宾向获得“2009城市魅力奖”的城市市长颁奖。 本届“外交官之春”受到与会者的一致好评,受到社会的广泛关注,新华网、中国网、人民网、搜狐网、北京晚报、北京青年报、安阳电子网站、九三学社等媒体和单位对此次活动做了报道,活动取得了圆满成功。
The 8th session of “Spring of Di plomats” On April 24,2009,the AFDC hosted the 8th session of the“spring of Diplomats”in the Great Hall of the People,with its main theme of“confidence, innovation,cooperation and a win-win result”.It was followed by a prize-awarding ceremony for the medium-sized and small Chinese cities with a special appeal by“the 4th For-tune Leaders Forum of the world Emi-nence Chinese Business Association.” Present upon invitation on the oc-casion were vice Chairman Han Qide of the NPC, former state councellor Tang Jiaxuan, former Vice President Hu Qili of the CPPCC, Chairman Li Zhaoxing of the NPC Foreign Affairs Committee, Vice Foreign Minister Li Jinzhang, CPC Central Committee member Kang Rix-in and Mr.Wei Jiafu, member of the CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection. Participants also included AFDC honorary Presidents Tian Zengpei and Cai Fangbai, advisors and special advisors, council member and specially invited council members,representatives of the AFDC members,responsible members of foreign affairs officials C on helping to sponsor the event. Also present were members invited by the World Eminence Chinese Business As-sociation and entrepreneurs and over 100 heads of diplomatic missions in China and other senior diplomats. The number of participants totalled more than 1000. In his opening address, President Ji Peiding noted that as an annual impor-tant event of the AFDC, the“Spring of Diplomats”,hosted for the 8th time succes-sively, has served as a significant platform for exchanging ideas, coordinating efforts with a view to boosting economic and trade cooperation between Chinese and foreign business circles and diplomatic personnel. Through the current“Spring of Diplomats”and deliberations of the en-suring forum, participants would hope-fully work together and come up with a strategy vis-a-vis the current in-ternational financial crisis and turn the grim challenge into a development op-portunity. The AFDC expected them to offer their ideas and views aiming at bringing about a new growth of the Chinese economy and that of the world at large. Acquainting the ses-sion with what the AFDC had done over the years. President Ji highlighted the aspects of its work in the current year focusing on ensuring a stable and relatively quick growth at home , i.e., sustaining economic growth and ensur-ing people’s wellbeing and stability”. The AFDC would continue to make use of the advantages of our mem-bers’ diplomatic resources in the inter-est of the country, its economic growth and various companies and enterprises so as to contribute what we could to China’s development and reform and would economic growth. Vice Foreign minister Li Jinzhang, chief Executive Wei Jiafu of COSCO, chairman Liu Chuanzhi of the borad of directors of the Lenevo Group Ltd. And Governor Yang Kaisheng of the ICBC spoke at the session successively and their enlightening speeches were warmly received. On behalf of Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi, Vice Foreign Minister Li Jin-zhang spoke in an all-round way on the development and tread of the cur-rent international situation, China’s foreign policy, the active role it has played and the objectives it pursues. He observed the fact that “confidence, in-novation, cooperation and a win-win result”was defined as the main theme of the current “Spring of Diplomats” was the special significance in enhancing confidence of all sides, deepening mutu-ally beneficial cooperation and overcom-ing the current crisis against the general backdrop of the international community going all out in responding to the fi-nancial crisis. On the world scene, he remarked that while the current crisis have impacted severely on the stability, the well-being of people of all coun-tries and the global politics, economy and security environment, there have emerged a number of notable develop-ments and trends: 1.The impact of the new emerging forces is steadily growing and the trend of multi-polarization is further on the rise. The ratio of some 20 new emerging countries as repre-sented by the BRICs in terms of the total volume of GDP in the world econ-omy has risen to 18% in 2008 from less than 9% in 2000. An increasing number of people in the world are talking about multi-polarization and a trend towards balance of various forces of the world. 2. Major Powers are stepping up efforts in readjusting their foreign policies. Cooperation has been beefed as compe-tition intensified.3.With hot spot issues becoming more complex and change-able, conventional and non-conventional security problems featured ever more prominently. The nuclear issue in Ko-rea has undergone repeated ups and downs. The same issue in Iran remained deadlocked and problems involving the middle-east and Darfur of Sudan have become ever more acute. Meanwhile, non conventional security threat of ter-rorism, energy safety and environmen-tal problems have escalated. Climate change is receiving ever greater atten-tion. 4. with the initiation of reform of the financial regime, the international orders is faced with a deep-going re-adjustment. In face of a profound and complex evolution in the international situation, China is steadily pursuing an independent foreign policy of peace and committing itself to a peaceful develop-ment, harmonious cooperation, mutual benefit and a win-win result. And it is stepping up its efforts in carrying out an all-round diplomacy. Confronted with the financial crisis not likely to happen once in a century, we are com-mitted to joining hands with the inter-national community in overcoming the current difficulties and striving to en-hance the friendly relations of coopera-tion with such major powers as the U.S, Russia, the European countries and Ja-pan. China would expand its strategic cooperation with peripheral countries, energetically consolidate unity, friend-ship and cooperation with the develop-ing countries and actively promote the settlement of major difficult issues in hot spots. The vice minister stressed that China’s relations with the world has witnessed a historical change in that its future and destiny are ever more closely interwoven with that of the world. In 2008, the number of people leaving China ran to 46 million. 480 enterprises out of the 500 most powerful enter-prises of the world have investments in China. Chinese enterprises that have made outbound investment are present in 160 countries and regions. Products “made in China” have brought ben-efits throughout the world. China is among the important engines for the economic growth of the Asia-Pacific region and the world. It has become an important member in the international arena and a force to be reckoned with in defending world peace. The mutual cognition between China and the outside world has steadily deepened with their interests interwoven ever more closely. While China’s development is insepa-rable from the world, the development of the world is also inseparable from China. In the years to come, China will unswervingly adhere to the road of peaceful development, pursue a strat-egy of opening for a mutually beneficial win-win result, and work for building a harmonious world of lasting peace and common prosperity. In conclusion, the Vice Minister expressed his apprecia-tion to the AFDC for what is had done over the years and spoke highly of the continued efforts of the senior diplo-mats who had assumed the glorious role as non-governmental ambassadors fol-lowing their retirement. Bringing their strengths to full play, they have done a commendable job in enabling China in-tegrating itself with the world and pro-moting understanding of China by the world. The Vive Minister expressed his hope for continued efforts on the part of the AFDC to go on contributing its wis-dom and strength for the continuous en-hancement of cooperation and exchanges between China and the rest of the world. Mr. Wei Jiafu gave an account of the measures taken by COSCO to combat the economic crisis in the fol-lowing 4 aspects: 1.Taking preven-tive measures. In the second half of 2007, a special research panel was set up against the sub-prime loan crisis of the U.S. In light of the actual situa-tion of the group, a final decision was arrived at in good time to prevent and bring the risk under control, thus win-ning the initiative of coping with the crises.2.Confidence building. It was im-portant to build up management capa-bilities to deal with market fluctuations and competition and strive for a leading position in international shipping, lo-gistics terminals and ship building and repairing with a view to turning itself from handling business of transnational companies into setting up transnational companies. 3. Aiming for innovation. In light of all up-to-date information brought about by drastic changes of the market, a review of the risk manage-ment system of the enterprise becomes essential so as to determine whether our understanding of the market trend and how our enterprise should position itself all correct or not, with the final objec-tive of strengthening our capabilities to counter the risk.4.Enhacing coopera-tion. COSCO hosted the “China An-nual Conference of International Ship-ping”, a conference advocating cooper-ation amidst competition, common well-being by working together as a team and bringing about a mutually benefi-cial win win situation. Highlighting the important role of diplomatic resources in coping with and combating the financial meltdown, he recommended that dip-lomats and entrepreneurs work together in a joint endeavor to make unique contributions in boosting exchanges and cooperation of all countries. In his speech entitled “How should an enterprise cope with crisis”, Mr. Liu Chuanzhi drew a parallel between a human body and that of enterprises. A physically weak person is likely to fall ill as winter changes to spring. The change of season, therefore, constitutes a crisis for this person. Some people is prove to be struck by influenza, so influenza is crises for them. Some people, however, remain healthy in face of a major pestilence on account of his strong physique. The same is true with an enterprise. A strong physique of an enterprise means having a clear understanding as to the special features of his trade and striving to build up a core competitive power. There was a time when China’s computer in-dustries suffered a miserable setback as foreign-brand computers made mas-sive inroades into China. We lost no time in initiating an self examination of our own defects and following it up with developing our own brand com-puters. Like perishable fruits, you just can’t keep selling one and the same kind of computer for long. Given the fast-developing technology and overly extended time of stock of such compo-nents as CPU and DRAM would mean drastic losses when prices of those com-ponents fall by a big margin with the emergence of new products on the mar-ket. Lenovo came to the realization that a highly efficient supply chain system constituted the core competitive power for the computer industry. Efforts were made to shorten the storage cycle of the components by way of“quick jogging in seall steps”.The successive fall in prices has made it possible for Lenovo to have the greatest market share in China’s computer market. In addition, an enterprise should also be good in formulating strategies, establishing en-terprise culture and bringing the initia-tive of the employees into full play. To put it in a nutshell, a healthy physique is the best way to cope with the crisis. Mr. Yang Kaisheng listed 4 reasons in his speech why the Chinese bank-ing industry had withstood the test with reasonably good performance in the current globe economic crisis.1.The maintenance of capability for yield-ing profits. The index of total volume of profits, profit growth and the rate of capital returns of China’s banking industry in 2008 came out first across the globe .2. The maintenance of good management and control of the risks. The rate of non-performing loans of China’s major commercial loans by the end of March 2009 was 2.02%, a drop of 0.43 percent as compared with the beginning of the year. The capi-tal sufficiency rate of major banks was up to the standard with solid founda-tions for profit yielding. 3. The main-tenance of ideal possibilities for further growth. The past couple of years have witnessed accelerated steps in China’s banking industry for business innova-tion, the upgrading of transaction and the development towards internation-alization and engaging in businesses of a comprehensive nature. As far as the ICBC is concerned, the impact of the financial meltdown on it is quite limit-ed. Rather, many of its businesses have registered a new growth.With its total volume of assets amounting to over 10 trillion RMB Yuan, or 1.46 trillion US dollars, it has become the bank with the greatest amount of client deposits in the world. 4. The ICBC has provided a powerful financial support for the stable and relatively fast development of the Chinese economy. Through timely expansion of loans, acceleration of the rate of loan-granting and the optimiza-tion of loan structures, it has provided powerful support to the steady rise of the Chinese economy. He remarked with emphasis that the key why the Chinese banking industry has withstood the test fairly smoothly lies in the sum-ming-up of and drawing lessons from the Asian financial storm at the end of the last century. Efforts were made to regroup financial businesses of mayor banks and stocks were listed. Improve-ment and perfection were made in the management structure of legal persons of the banks so as to boost an innovative development of the banking businesses while beefing up prevention and control of risks. He concluded by saying that nowadays, the financial markets across the globe was interconnected and that the ICBC looked forward to work-ing together as before with colleagues in the financial and banking sectors of all countries in expanding business ex-changes in our common endeavor to overcome difficulties in the process of handling the crises. Representing the diplomatic corps, H.E. the Singapore Ambassador to China highly appraised the efforts by the AFDC for furthering mutual un-derstanding between heads of diplomatic missions in China and Chinese entrepre-neurs. He regarded it most appropri-ate for the main theme of the 8th ses-sion of the “Spring of Diplomats” to be defined as “confidence, innovation, cooperation and a win-win result”. In high appreciation of the correct deci-sions and the effective measure taken by the Chinese government in face of the global financial crises, he expressed his belief that China with its resources and necessary conditions, and most notably the political will to counter the cri-ses, would be among the first batch of countries taking the lead for recovery. Speaking in her capacity as the founding Chairwoman of the Sun Ming Hotong Moon Valley International Cul-tural Foundation of Hongkong, Mrs. Katie Chan made a high appraisal of the “Spring of Diplomats”. She ex-pressed her wish to work together with the AFDC and continue to do what she could to promote exchanges be-tween China and the rest of the world and in service of China’s economic development. Mayor Zhang Xiaodong of Anyang city also spoke at the ses-sion, giving an account of recent de-velopments in Anyan and expressing his welcome for Chinese and Foreign per-sonages to invest in and tour Anyang. This was followed by the awarding of prizes by Vice Chairman Han Qide and other distinguished guests at the ros-trum to the mayors of those cities win-ning with the prize of 2009 cities with a special appeal. The current “Spring of Diplomats” was unanimously well-received by the participants. It also received widespread attention from various social sectors. The Xin Hua network, China network, Renmin network, Sohu network, Bei-jing Evening, Beijing Youth Daily, Anyang electronic network, Jiu San Society and other news media and units made coverages of the event which was crowned with completed success. |
人大常委会副委员长韩启德、原国务委员唐家璇 原政协副主席胡启立和吉佩定会长及与会嘉宾在主席台就坐 Seated at the Rostrum are Vice Chairman Han Qide of the Standing Committee of the NPC, former State Councillor Tang Jiaxuan former Vice President Hu Qili of the CPPCC, President Ji Peiding of the AFDC and other distinguished guests
同韩启德、唐家璇、胡启立与驻华使节和企业家合影 |
Han Qide, Tang Jiaxuan and Hu Qili pose for a group picture with heads of diplomatic missions in China and Chinese entrepreneurs |
韩启德副委员长和唐家璇、胡启立在一起 |
Vice Chairman Han Qide together with Tang Jiaxuan and Hu Qili |
吉佩定会长与韩启德副委员长出席外交官之春 |
President Ji Peiding welcoming Vice Chairman Han-- Qide for his presence to the “Spring of Diplomats” |
President Ji Peiding of the AFDC delivering an opening address |
吉佩定会长与世界杰出华商协会主席卢俊卿在一起 |
President Ji Peiding with President Lu Junqing of-- the World Eminence Chinese Business Association |
中远集团总裁魏家福做演讲 |
外交部副部长李金章做演讲 |
Chief Executive Wei Jiafu of COSCO addressing the session |
Vice Foreign Minister Li Jinzhang speaking at the session |
联想集团董事局主席柳传志做演讲 |
中国工商银行行长杨凯生做演讲 |
Chief Executive Officer Liu Chuanzhi of the board of directors of the Lenovo Group Ltd addressing the session |
Governor Yang Kaisheng of the ICB addressing the session |
香港满威利国际文化基金創会副主席陈复生女士讲话 |
外交使团代表、新加坡驻华大使陈燮荣讲话 |
Mrs. Katie Chan, founding Vice Chairwoman of Moon Valley International Cultural Founda-tion of Hongkong addressing the session |
H.E. Mr. Chin Siat Yoon, the Singapore Ambassador to China, representative of the diplomatic corps, speaking at the session |
第八届外交官之春会场 |
2009魅力城市市长接受颁奖 |
Scence of the 8th session of the “Spring of Diplomats” |
Mayors of 2009 cities with a special appeal receiving awards |
参会驻华使节亲切交谈 |
吉佩定会长与安阳市市长一行合影 |
Heads of diplomatic missions in China chatting cordially |
President Ji Peiding with leading members of Anyang city |
吉佩定会长与金谷集团董事长李予新亲切交谈 |
President Ji Peiding talking cordially with President Li Yuxin of Jin Gu Group | |