Inscription of Yang Jiechi, Foreign Minister: “Promoting Exchanges at Home and Abroad Serving National Economic Development”
中国前外交官联谊会(Association of Former Diplomats of China-AFDC)成立于1995年,由我国外交部前部领导、离退休的驻外大使、参赞等各级外交官组成。聘请第十届全国人大常委会副委员长盛华仁、原国务委员唐家璇和第九届全国政协副主席胡启立为特邀高级顾问。聘请十余位政府高官和知名企业家为特邀理事。现有会员2700多人。联谊会是经民政部注册登记,具有独立法人地位的民间社会团体。2006年7月联合国经社理事会正式批准中国前外交官联谊会为享有特殊咨商地位的非政府组织(NGO)。
The Association of Former Diplomats of China
Founded in 1995, the Association of For-mer Diplomats of China(AFDC) is composed of former ministers of the foreign ministry, former Chinese ambassadors, counselors and other diplomats. The Association has invited Vice Chairman Sheng Huaren of the Standing Committee of the 10th National People’s Con- gress, former State Councillor Tang Jiaxuan and Vice President Hu Qili of the 9th National Chinese People’s Political Consultative Confer-ence, as its specially-invited senior advisors. It has also invited over a dozen of senior govern- ment officials and distinguished entreprenuers as specially-invited council members.Its current membership has reached over 2700. It is a non- governmental social organization enjoying the status of an independent legal person registered in the Ministry of Civil Affairs. In July 2006, the AFDC was officially approved as a non- governmental organization enjoying the status of special consultancy by the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
The AFDC members, who used to work for a long time in the Ministry of Foreign Af- fairs, Chinese embassies and consulates as well as various international organizations abroad, have maintained extensive connections and friendly relations with political, economic, trade, cultural, educational, scientific and tech- nological circles as well as celebrities from all walks of life, social and international organiza- tions at home and abroad; and therefore they have a relatively comprehensive and profound understanding of various countries, regional and international situations. They have accu- mulated rich experiences in work and practice, and therefore they serve as an important pool of diplomatic talent resources in China.
Making good use of members’ advantage of diplomatic resources, it has helped promote exchanges at home and abroad, expand mutu- ally beneficial cooperation between China and other countries in the fields of economy, trade,science, technology,culture and education so as to serve China’s strategy of encouraging Chi- nese companies to make outbound investment and welcoming foreign investment in China. Its senior diplomats have played a role of high- level consultancy in the aforesaid areas. In the spirit of “dveloping exchanges, enhancing un-derstanding, promoting goodwill and upgrad- ing cooperation it has successfully hosted such large social activities as 11 receptions of “Spring of Diplomats”at which China’s leaders, Min- isters of Foreign Affairs, of National Develop- ment and Reform Commission, and Commerce as well as heads of diplomatic missions in China and Chinese entrepreneurs were present. At the same time, serving as a platform, it held the Forum on Economic and Trade Coopera- tion between China and other Countries so as to integrate economic and trade exchanges with this social activety.“Spring of Diplomats” has become an influential grand gathering of diplomatic circles in Beijing. It has organized such activities as forums and bazaars in col- laboration with foreign embassies in Beijing, representative offices of the UN organizations and other international organizations resident in the Chinese capital. The women’s working group of AFDC has organized activities that benefit women, children, environmental pro- tection and poverty alleviation as well as help disadvantaged students and relieve victims in disaster areas so as to show its care and do its bit for public welfare undertaking at home and abroad. It carries forward the fine tradition of Chinese diplomats-love of their motherland and peace, promote public awareness of China’s achievements in reform and opening, it’s peace- ful rise and creation of a harmonious society. It strives to increase understanding of China’s independent foreign policy of peace and works to promote reunification of the motherland. It is working hard to enhance China’s public knowl- edge and understanding of the international situation and major international issues con- cerning China. It has promoted exchanges and cooperation of China’s mainland with Hong- Kong, Macao and Taiwan and rejuventing the Chinese nation. Bringing the characteristics of non-governmental diplomacy into play, it has promoted international exchanges and activi- ties of the UN non-governmental organizations, enhanced friendly ties of the people of various countries and worked towards building a har- monious world.
With a view to keeping abreast with the world ever-changing situation in energy in its study of the energy issue confronting China to Provide consultations for China’s energy en- terprises, the Association has set up a “brain trust of energy cooperation between China and other countries” with President Ji Peiding of the AFDC as Chairman of the executive coun- cil, several other former Chinese ambassadors to world main oil-producing countries as council members.
Along with the comprehensive and in-depth development of the friendly relations and coop- eration as well as growing economic relations and trade between China and African countries, more and more Chinese enterprises have landed in Africa. In order to further promote the imple- mentation of various measures advanced by the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) from the perspective of public diplomacy, pro- vide information and consultancy service to and bring potential Chinese enterprises into contact with Africa, and help solve the problems they may encounter during their efforts to develop the African market, the Association of Former Diplomats of China (AFDC) initiated the estab- lishment of the Roundtable on China-Africa Co- operation (RCAC) in cooperation with other five enterprises and societies determined to develop China-Africa cooperation. Mr. Ji Peiding, Presi- dent of AFDC serves as the Chairman of the Roundtable while other founding organizations and some former Chinese ambassadors serve as Vice Chairmen or executive council members.
To facilitate provision of service and in- formation and act as go-between with a view to building a platform for exchanges between China and other countries, Beijing international Golden Bridge Consultancy Co. Ltd, under the Association of Former Diplomasts of China provides services of information and consul- tancy to China’s large, mediun and small enter- prieses, government organizations and other industrial and commercial units and meets the service requirements of foreign governments, corporations and enterprises for expanding Chi- nese market and looking for partners of coopera- tion. Qualified as an independent legal person, the company conducts independent management and implements a responsibility system by its general manager.
In this important strategic opportune period of historic significance, China’s economic strength is rapidly on the rise and the Chinese people are work- ing hard to build a hamonious society. The Associa- tion of Former Diplomats of China, in keeping with its objectives, is committed to working together with friends from all walks of life at home and abroad to strengthen cooperation so as to do whatever it can in furtherance of friendly exchanges and economic endeavours in various fields in the interest of China’s growing prosperity and well-being of its people.
中国前外交官联谊会第五届理事会全体理事合影 Group Photo of the Fifth Council of AFDC
 “第十一届外交官之春”在北京饭店隆重召开,活动主题为“和平、发展、合作” The 11th "Spring of Diplomats" was opened in Beijing with the theme of "peace,development and cooperation".
路甬祥、盛华仁、唐家璇等领导人出席中国前外交官联谊会新年团拜 Lu Yongxiang, Sheng Huaren, Tang Jiaxuan and other leaders are Present at AFDC New Year mass greetings
 第十届全国人大副委员长兼秘书长盛华仁与联谊会“中外能源合作智库”报告会与会代表合影 Former Vice Chairmen and General Secretary of Standing Committee of NPC Sheng Huaren Poses for a group picture with the participants of the public lecture of the Think-Tank On Energy Cooperation between China and Foreign Countries
中国前外交官联谊会举办中非合作圆桌会议第二次大会 AFDC hosting the second Roundtable Conference on China-Africa Cooperation
全国政协副主席孙家正、海南省代省长蒋定之出席中非合作圆桌会议第二次大会 CPPCC Vice Chairman Sun Jiazheng and Governor of Hainan Province Jiang Dingzhi Attending the second Roundtable Conference on China-Africa Cooperation
中非合作圆桌会议第二次大会会场 The second Roundtable Conference on China-Africa Cooperation was held in Wanning, Hainan Province, in November 2011.
中非合作圆桌会议第二次大会向全球发布《万宁宣言》 The second Roundtable Conference on China-Africa Cooperation issued Wanning Declaration.
中国前外交官联谊会“金砖国家研究中心”举行挂牌仪式 The inauguration ceremony of the AFDC Center for BRICS Research
北京前外联咨询有限责任公司于2001年12月成立,2007年易名北京五洲金桥咨询有限责任公司,它是中国前外交官联谊会所属公司,具有独立法人资格,自主经营,实行总经理负责制。公司的宗旨和服务内容: 一、向政府部门、社团、特别是公私企业提供世界各国的政治、经济、科技和文化等方面的信息和咨询。我会每年举行多场地区或国别的研讨会或论坛,邀请外国驻华使节和我前驻外使节,介绍世界各国的经济发展状况,与我国的经贸合作关系以及投资前景。 二、帮助企业确定战略目标和投资决策。在复杂多变的国际政治、经济环境下,在开拓国际市场的过程中,企业会遇到诸多难以决择的问题,通过我会的外交资源,帮助企业把握投资机遇和回避投资风险,做出正确的投资决策。 三、为我国企业在境外投资、引进外资以及在中外科技文化交流、旅游合作等领域牵线搭桥,帮助企业寻找有诚信且具实力的合作伙伴。我前驻外使节通过他们广泛的人脉关系,以高级顾问身份,陪同企业出国考察,足迹达亚非拉美和欧洲二十余国,对企业开拓国际市场起到了积极作用。 四、为企业排忧解难,协助他们解决在开拓国际市场过程中遇到的困难和问题,挽回企业的经济损失,维护企业的合法权益。 五、同高等学校特别是同外语、外经贸院校建立合作关系,在上述院校开设外交课程,讲授相关国家的政治、经济、文化历史和与中国的关系,以增进学生的国际知识和扩大学生国际视野。 几年来,我公司与公私企业和社会团体建立了定期或不定期的合作伙伴关系,签订了多个互利双赢的协议,取得了良好的社会效益和经济效益。迄今,中国前外交官联谊会和所属公司建立了长期合作关系的大型国营和民营企业超过十多家,它们之中包括中国石油天然气集团公司、中国海洋石油总公司、联想集团和华为技术有限公司等。我公司愿与各界通力合作并向其提供热情周到和良好的服务。
Brief Introduction to Beijing International Golden Bridge Consultancy Co.Ltd
Founded in December 2001, Beijing Qianwailian Consultancy Co. Ltd of the Association of Former Diplomats of China is a company under this Association. In 2007 the Company was renamed as Beijing International Golden Bridge Consultancy CO. Ltd. Qualified as an independent legal person, it conducts independent management and implements a responsibility system by its general manager. The Company’s purposes and services it provides are as follows:
1.It provides information and consultancy concerning political, economic,scientific, trade and investment policies of various countries of the world for China’s government departments, Social groups and notably state-run and private enterprises. Hosting a number of regional seminars and forums or those concerning one particular country, it invites foreign ambassadors resident in Beijing and former Chinese ambassadors for briefings on the economic development of various countries of the world, their economic and trade relations with China and investment prospects.
2.It offers help to enterprises in identifying their strategic objectives and making investment decisions. In a complex and fast-changing international political and economic environment, the Chinese enterprises will find it hard to make a final choice on a series of problems they are likely to come across in their efforts to expand the international market. The provision of diplomatic resources by the AFDC serves to help enterprises arrive at a correct investment decision through a proper handling of investment opportunities and shunning investment risks.
3.It acts as a go-between for Chinese enterprises looking for outbound investment or seeking to attract foreign investment and for promoting scientific and technological exchanges and boosting Tourism. It also helps enterprises look for reputable and strong partners for cooperation. The former Chinese heads of diplomatic missions abroad, through their extensive interpersonal relations and serving as senior advisors, have accompanied various enterprises on overseas study missions, touring more than 20 countries of Asia, Africa, Latin America and Europe and playing a positive role in helping enterprises expand the international market.
4.It helps enterprises address problems and overcome difficulties they are confronted with in the process of expanding the international market by way of retrieving their economic losses in defence of their legitimate rights and interests.
5.The Association has forged a relationship of cooperation with a number of institutions of tertiary education, notably universities and colleges of foreign languages and foreign trade and economy, where courses relating to foreign affairs are run featuring lectures on current international situation and on the political, economic, cultural and historical situations of various countries and their relationship with China to enhance the students’ knowledge and widen their horizon in the field of international affairs. Over the years, this company has established regular or irregular partnerships of cooperation with state-run and private enterprises as well as social groups, with which a number of mutually beneficial and win-win agreements have been signed. Consequently, desirable social and economic results have been yielded. So far, more than 10large-sized state and private enterprises have established long-term cooperative relations with the AFDC and its company. Among them are China National Petroleum and Natural Gas Corp., China Offshore Oil Corp., Lenovo Group Ltd and Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd. The company is committed to entering into cooperation with all economic sectors and providing them with warm, thoughtful and ideal services.
总 顾 问:吉佩定 魏建国 总 经 理:高善海 副总经理:董津义 活动策划总监 邵建 行政财务总监 王春贵 国外业务总监 地区顾问: 亚洲顾问:张九桓、王春贵(兼) 中亚顾问:周晓沛 非洲顾问:梁银柱、刘贵今 海湾中东顾问:吴思科、刘振堂 欧洲顾问:马恩汉、陈明明 美大顾问:梅平 拉美顾问:王永占 办公室主任:邵建(兼)
Leading Organ of Beijing International Golden Bridge Consultancy Co.Ltd Chief Advisor: Ji Peiding Wei Jianguo General Manager: Gao Shanhai Deputy General Manager: Dong Jinyi(Chief Officer for Planning of Large Activities ) Shao Jian(Chief Officer for Administration and Finance) Wang Chungui(Chief Officer of the Business Abroad) Regional Advisors: Zhang Jiuheng and Wang Chungui(Concurrently, on Asian Affairs) Zhou Xiaopei(on Middle Asian Affairs) Liang Yinzhu and Liu Guijin(Concurrently, on African Affairs) Wu Sike and Liu Zhentang(on Gulf and Middle East Affairs) Ma Enhan and Chen Mingming(on European Affairs) Mei Ping( on American and Oceania Affairs) Wang Yongzhan(Concurrently, on the Latin American Affairs) Chief of General Office: Shao Jian
Think-Tank on Energy Cooperation Between China and Foreign Countries Under the Association of Former Diplomats of China (AFDC)
Supported by Mr. Sheng Huaren, Vice-Chairman and Secretary General of the 10th National People’s Congress and specially invited Senior Advisor ofAFDC, the Think-Tank on Energy Cooperation between China and Foreign Countries was established in Diaoyutai State Guesthouse on 9 December 2008.Members toThink-Tank are: Chinese National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), China Petrochemical Corporation (SINOPEC), China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO), China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC), China National Shipping (Group) Company(CS), and China National Chemical Corporation (CHEMCHINA). The Think Tank invited Comrade Sheng Huaren as its senior advisor, with Chairmen (or CEOs, general managers) of the above-mentioned six corporations serving as its advisors. Mr. Ji Peiding, President of the Association of Former Diplomats of China (AFDC) and former Vice Foreign Minister serves as the Chairman of the Think Tank, and Mr. Wei Jianguo, Secretary-General of the China Center for International Economic Exchanges (CCIEE) and former Vice Minister of Commerce serves as the first Vice Chairman. One deputy from each of the six corporations takes up the office of Vice Chairman of the Think Tank. Executive Council Members also include 17 ambassadors previous accredited to those energy superpowers in addition to the Chairman and Vice Chairmen. Mr. Wang Chungui, Vice President of AFDC acts as the Director of the General Office of the Think Tank. The purpose and tasks of the Think Tank is as follows:
1) Recommend ambassadorial-level advisors to the oil, coal, nuclear, and ocean shipping sectors for international energy cooperation.
2) Do research work on global, regional and national energy situation and present research papers.
3) Assist the energy sector and ocean shipping organizations to tackle key issues through international cooperation and provide assistance in case of emergency overseas.
4) Organize non-governmental forums or dialogues on international energy cooperation in line with the requirement from energy sectors.
Under the care and guidance of senior advisor Sheng Huaren and with support and assistance from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the National Energy Administration, and the its members, the Think Tank has carried out its work in various ways and achieved fruitful results over the past three years since its incept by conducting in-depth research work on the economic, political, policy guidelines of the energy superpowers, and providing direct service to the energy corporations. 38 meetings, discussions and seminars have been organized with the senior advisor, or the Chairman, or Executive Council Members. 79 issues of “Collections of Papers and Reports on Chinese and
Foreign Energy Cooperation” and 36 issues of “Bulletins on Global Energy” have been published. The above successes are acknowledged by the energy corporations and highly acclaimed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and government leaders.
高级顾问:盛华仁 顾问:魏家福、蒋洁敏、苏树林、傅成玉、许立荣、任建新 理事长:吉佩定 第一副理事长:魏建国 副理事长:徐文荣、周佰修、郑长波、章 欣、马泽华、任建明 办公室主任:王春贵 常务理事: 吉佩定、魏建国、徐文荣、周佰修、郑长波、章 欣、马泽华、任建明、李凤林、马恩汉、董津义、王春贵 邓绍勤、李清玉、安惠侯、曲阜君、刘振堂、刘伯鸣、刘立德、孙必干、吴思科、张志军、周晓沛、梁银柱 梅平、蒋元德
Leading Organ of Think-Tank of AFDC for Energy Cooperation between China and Foreign Countries
Senior Advisor:Sheng Huaren Advisors:WeiJiafu JiangJiemin Su Shulin Fu Chengyu Xu lirong Ren Jianxin Chairman of Executive Council: Ji Peiding First Vice Chairman of Executive Council: Wei Jianguo Vice Chairmen of Executive Council: Xu Wenrong Zhou Baixiu Zheng Changbo Zhang Xin Ma Zehua Ren Jianming Chief of General Office: Wang Chungui Executive Councillors: Ji Peiding Wei Jianguo Xu Wenrong Zhou Baixiu Zheng Changbo Zhang Xin Ma Zehua Ren Jianming Li Fenglin Ma Enhan Dong Jinyi Wang Chungui Deng Shaoqin Li Qingyu An Huihou Qu Fujun Liu Zhentang Liu Baiming Liu Lide Sun Bigan Wu Sike Zhang Zhijun Zhou Xiaopei Liang Yinzhu Mei Ping Jiang Yuande
与会者一致赞成吉会长的讲话。会议正式宣告“金砖国家研究中心”的成立,并于2012年5月15日在北京桥艺术中心召开“金砖国家问题小型研讨会”。出席会议的外交部前部领导和驻外大使有:吉佩定、杨福昌、 王英凡、丁原洪、李凤林、吴思科、安惠侯、杨成绪、王嵎生、周 刚、华黎明、周晓沛、裴远颖、张九桓、陈笃庆、董津义、王春贵、梁银柱等。
Center for BRICS Research (CBR) of the Association of Former Diplomats of China
On 27 April 2012, AFDC President Ji Peiding presided over the meeting inaugurating the establishment of the AFDC Center for BRICS Research. Also present at the meeting were members of the executive committee of AFDC, representatives of former Chinese ambassadors posted to BRICS countries as well as the director of editors-in-chief office and senior editors from the Outlook Weekly magazine.
When talking about the significance of setting up such a research center, President Ji said that over the past decade and more since the advent of the 21st century, great changes have taken place on the international landscape and a string of major events have brought profound impacts to the international political and economic order, and as a result, the balance of power between developed and developing countries have also witnessed significant changes. BRICS and emerging market countries (EMCs), including China, have capitalized on a peaceful and stable domestic environment and achieved fast growth in the past decade. On current trends, it is highly likely that BRICS countries will remain on an ascending trajectory over the next decade. EMCs and developed countries will continue to witness a shift of the balance of power. Over the long term, BRICS countries will inevitably put forward their demands on the world political stage and seek more space globally in the course of economic growth. The establishment of a BRICS cooperation organization will enable BRICS countries to partner with other emerging market economies and speak with one voice, which will go a long way to challenge the long-trenched monopoly imposed by traditional developed countries on the world political, economic systems and governance structure. The creation and development of BRICS is an inevitable outcome of the evolutions of the international situation, and reflects the aspirations of emerging countries for reforms of current international political and economic order which is incompatible with the world reality. As situation evolves, BRICS countries are expected to play a leading role among emerging market economies in the reshaping of the global landscape. BRICS, as it stands now, does not fall into the traditional category of an institutional organization. It is not an economic community, nor a free trade area. Rather, it is a grouping of five major emerging economies that have multiple converging interests. Such an organization provides the relevant countries a platform to conduct internal consultations, send out strong and united messages, and put forward visions and proposals on issues concerning the international order, world peace and security, the reform of UN organizations, IMF and the World Bank, and trading rules, human rights, poverty reduction and the environment. Looking ahead, this organization may evolve into an alliance of political and economic interests. With a promising future and rising global influence, BRICS is also expected to send out louder and clearer messages for the readjustment of the global order, which is a historical trend.
President Ji stressed that the newly established Center for BRICS Research will not only focus on BRICS countries, but the entire emerging economies and developing countries as a whole. He asked for more studies on the role and impact of the new force and new trend represented by BRICS countries in the course of the adjustment of the international order, global system and world landscape.
Participants concurred with President Ji's remarks. The meeting formally proclaimed the establishment of the Center for BRICS Research, and announced that a small Seminar on BRICS Countries would be held at the Beijing Bridge Arts Center on 15 May 2012. Former ministerial-level officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China and former Chinese ambassadors at the meeting included Ji Peiding, Yang Fuchang, Wang Yingfan, Ding Yuanhong, Li Fenglin,Wu Sike, An Huihou, Yang Chengxu, Wang Yusheng, Zhou Gang, Hua Liming, Zhou Xiaopei, Pei Yuanying, Zhang Jiuheng, Chen Duqing, Dong Jinyi, Wang Chungui and Liang Yinzhu.
On May 31, 2012, the Office Plate of the AFDC Center for BRICS Research was officially put up in the Jialong International Building.
Roundtable on China-Africa Cooperation (RCAC) of the Association of Former Diplomats of China
The Roundtable on China-Africa Cooperation is a project group run by the Association of Former Diplomats of China (AFDC) without an independent legal person status. The members include former diplomats and representatives from the business community. The mission of the RCAC is to present China's African policy from a non-governmental perspective of public diplomacy; promote the implementation of relevant measures adopted at the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC); take advantage of the resources of AFDC to provide counselling for Chinese enterprises making investment in Africa and increase mutual understanding and promote mutually-beneficial cooperation between China and Africa; build networking platforms and provide guidance for Chinese enterprises in rules-based practices to seek sustainable development in Africa.
The Executive Council is the governing body of the RCAC. It consists of a chairman, vice chairmen and council members. The current Chairman of the Executive Council is AFDC President Ji Peiding.
The RCAC was initiated by President Ji Peiding. When he served as Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs, he was involved in the creation of the FOCAC and served as one of the co-chairs of the forum for years. After taking on the current post with the AFDC, he has been thinking about how to support the work of FOCAC and promote China-Africa friendship and cooperation from an non-governmental perspective of public diplomacy. His proposal to set up the RCAC was echoed strongly by a group of former diplomats and business people who have been long engaged with Africa. On 10 October 2010, some former ambassadors posted to African countries and business people met at Huafeng Hotel in Beijing. With thorough prior consultation, they studied carefully relevant matters regarding the establishment of a roundtable conference. The meeting then proclaimed the official establishment of the RCAC. Seven executive council meetings have been held to date.
RCAC holds one general conference every year and two such conferences have been held so far. The first one took place at the Great Hall of the People on 10 November 2010 themed the celebration of the 10th anniversary of the establishment of FOCAC. CPPCC Vice Chairman Ablet Abduréshit and other state leaders attended the meeting with more than 700 representatives from government departments, Chinese and African businesses, various social organizations as well as foreign diplomatic envoys accredited in Beijing. The second conference was convened from 10 to 11 November 2011 in Wanning, Hainan Province, with the theme of "Friendship, Cooperation, Development and Win-Win Progress". The official agenda consisted of three parts, an opening session and the plenary meeting, a networking conference and a seminar on China-Africa cooperation. Around 500 people attended the event, including officials from the central government and Hainan provincial government, business people from China and Africa and representatives from other sectors. Political leaders such as former Prime Ministers of Mali, Tanzania and Uganda, General Secretary of the ruling party of Malawi, diplomatic envoys from African countries, representatives from research institutions on Africa and media organizations were also present. CPPCC Vice Chairman Sun Jiazheng presided over the meeting, former Vice Foreign Minister Lv Guozeng and former Vice Minister of Commerce Sun Guangxiang delivered keynote speeches. Acting governor of Hainan Province Jiang Dingzhi, political dignitaries from African countries and Dean of the diplomatic corps of African countries addressed the audience. From the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Director-General Lu Shaye of African Affairs and Deputy Director-General Chang Hua of West Asian an, d North African Aff, airs from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, renowned scholars and experts on African studies and Ambassador of Cameroon also made remarks. The Second Roundtable Conference issued the Wanning Declaration. CCTV evening news covered the opening session of the Conference, and the People's Daily and Hainan Daily carried separate editorials on the conference entitled "To Promote Cooperation, Development and Win-Win Progress" and "The Roundtable on China-Africa Cooperation Adds Hainan Elements to China-Africa Cooperation". ,
理事长:吉佩定 第一副理事长:吕国增 副理事长:李建华、周晨、李泽生、杨武生 常务理事(以姓氏笔画为序): 马崇仁、王永占、冉庚枢、卢 奋、刘贵今、许孟水、吴思科、李滢、谷彦芬、邹叶、钟建华、, 梁银柱、程涛 董津义、蒋元德、蒋正云 办公室主任:梁银柱(兼)
Leading Organ of Roundtable on China-Africa Cooperation (RCAC) Organized by the Association of Former Diplomats Of China (AFDC)
Chairman of Executive Council: Ji Peiding First Vice Chairman of Executive Council: Lu Guozeng Vice Chairman of Executive Council: Li Jianhua Zhou Chen Li Zesheng Yang Wusheng Executive Councillors: Ma Chongren Wang Yongzhan Ran Gengshu Lu Fen Liu Guijin Xu Mengshui Wu Sike Li Ying Gu Yanfen Zou Ye Zhong Jianhua Liang Yinzhu Chen Tao Dong Jinyi Jiang Yuande Jiang Zhengyun Chief of General Office: Liang Yinzhu(Concurrently) |